Pure A2 Desi Cow Ghee | 500ml
- ₹1,475.00
About Bilona Ghee
Made from the curd of A2 milk produced by green fed desi cows using the traditional churning process
called ‘bilona’ followed by heating on slow flame, Bilona Ghee by Soni Farms is
fresh, pure, natural ghee. According to Ayurveda, the traditional
bilona process used since centuries produces real ghee that is much more
superior to normal ghee in aroma, taste and nutrition. Bilona Ghee by Soni
Farms is pure, authentic, finest quality ghee that has
several medicinal and ayurvedic properties. With no additives,
chemicals and hygienic packaging, our Bilona Ghee reaches you with all the
natural goodness intact. Highly nutritious, this ghee is free from lactose and
casein, easy to digest and can be used as food or medicine. Bilona Ghee is
popularly used all across India for cooking, baking, roasting and preparing
sweets. Added to tadka for dal fry or vegetables, it enhances the taste and
flavor of the dish making it healthy and delicious!
Contains healthy fats including omega-3 & omega 6 fatty acids
Abundant in Calcium and Potassium
Rich source of Vitamins A, D, E, K
for your Heart, Digestion & Skin
How to Use
Sprinkle on chapattis for wholesome taste & healthWarm and cook vegetables/subzi/poultry/fish in Bilona Ghee
Stir Fry/Saute/Deep fry vegetables/pooris/pakoda etc.
Use Hot ghee for tadka on dal/soups etc.
Use to make sweets/desserts etc.
Take a teaspoon on empty stomach as medicine
Use to massage for children & adults